Intro to Responsive Web Design

Updated 5/30/2015

Oh hai!

Instructor: Cecy Correa, @cecycorrea



A litle bit about yourself and what you hope to get out of this class.


  • Don't be afraid to ask questions
  • Help each other out
  • Have fun!


What is responsive design?

What is mobile-first?


Responsive web design is an approach to web design in which a site is crafted to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling— across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones).


The content adapts

"Fluid layouts"

Responsive design has 3 components

  1. Fluid grids
  2. Flexible media
  3. CSS media queries

We'll talk about these in more detail later!

So, then... what is mobile first?

There are a lot of things you can't control

  • What device do the users have?
  • What if Javascript doesn't load?
  • What if CSS doesn't load?
  • What if there is a slow connection?

Facebook without Javascript & CSS is hardly usable.

Mobile-first is:

  • Mobile-first means designing for the lowest-common denominator.
  • Not just mobile, but designing for devices that may not be able to access CSS or JS.
  • It means designing in a way that will make your content as accessible as possible for all of your users.

This will make more sense later, I promise!

Rethinking the mobile web

Presentation by Bryan Rieger (2010)

Slide 56

Let's review!

Responsive design

Techniques that include fluid layouts, flexible images and media queries.

Mobile first!

An approach that takes into consideration the lowest-common denominator.

It's asking yourself as a designer: "What is the most important thing users need to do on this site?" and making that as accessible as possible.

Responsive design is a way to achieve mobile-first.


The absence of support for @media queries is in fact the first @media query.

Slide 79

Enough mumbo jumbo!

Let's learn how to responsive web design!

Fluid grid

Fluid grid

  • Define container widths as % not px
  • This percentage will represent the width of the containing element, which means it will reflow according to viewport widths.

Fluid grid

Formula: Target / Context


  • Target is the div you want to find the % of
  • Context is parent div
  • Result is width as %

Fluid grid

Fluid grid

Target = 640, context is 960

What will the percentage be?

Answer: 66.666666666667%

Fluid grid

Let's turn the rest into %

Fluid grid

Let's turn the rest into %

Fluid grid

Fluid grid

*Round up to 4% to make it fit

Fluid grid

How do we turn the Context into a %?

Fluid grid exercise

Go here:

  • (Create a Codepen account if you don't have one)
  • Fork it!
  • Watch me demo
  • Then you can try!

Flexible media

Flexible media

Videos, images, etc.

The secret again is using %

Flexible media

Secret sauce:

img { max-width: 100%; }

Flexible media

Let's add images to our practice site!

img src="" alt="kitten"

Flexible media

Now, let's add...

img { max-width: 100%; }

What if we want to make it smaller?

Flexible media

Add a class to it!

.cat { width: 50%; }

Develop it!

Add 3 cat images to your site, make them sit side by side using %

Media queries!

Allow you check for capabilities of a device, like:

  • Width
  • Height
  • Orientation
  • Resolution
  • ...and more!

Media queries!

@media all

Applies to all media types: screen, print, tv...

Media queries!

@media screen

The one you want to use! Browsers and mobile devices are in this category. Excludes print, etc.

Media queries!

@media print

For printers

Media queries!

@media handheld

For "handheld" devices. Not widely supported right now.

Media queries!

@media screen and (resolution: #dpi)

For high resolution devices, like retina displays. You can use this to display higher res images to higher res devices.

So many!

@media all and (orientation: landscape)
@media all and (orientation: portrait)

There's even...

@media 3d-glasses

If you Google...

You may see...

@media only screen ...

"Only" is used so older browsers ignore the code.

If you Google...

This will only work in devices:

@media screen and (min-device-width)

This will work in your browser:

@media screen and (min-width)

Develop it!

Add a media query to your site: make the background red at 600px.

@media screen and (min-width: 600px) { body {background: red;} }

Fluid typography

Fluid typography

Not px but ems

Fluid typography

16px is default for browsers.

Target / 16px = em

Let's figure out our ems on our practice site!

End of day 1!