Great article by Andy Baio (@waxpancake)!
"Because when we talk about GIFs these days, we’re not really talking about the file format. We’re talking about the art form and culture that surrounds it, and that was created and popularized by the Internet."
☝️ what I believe
"You believe that the creator’s wishes are largely irrelevant because language evolves, and prescriptive approaches to language are pointless."
The Lumière Brothers, 1895
Edison, 1894
The Lumière Brothers, 1895
Edison, 1894
Simple concepts.
They do one thing, and they do it well.
Let's look at some good, simple GIFs.
Even something slightly more complex like betrayal works well in short form.
A good GIF perfectly conveys an emotion.
Provides an element of the unexpected.
A great GIF brings delight to an interaction.
Think hypothetically, okay?
No such thing as #NSFW at your work? You may be fostering a hostile environment for women, minorities, or underrepresented voices. I would urge you to reconsider.
Sexualizing pizza?
Much better!
Bordering on unnerving, uncanny.
Much better!
echo -ne ${base_url}$(basename {query})| pbcopy
alias gif-upload="cd ~/path/to/gifs && git add .
&& git commit -m 'adding some memes' && git push origin master"
From anywhere, I can cd into my GIF directory and upload GIFs to my repo.
alias gif-search="~/absolute/path/to/gifs ls | grep"
Allows me to search my GIF collection from anywhere.
echo $base_url
Takes a file argument and gives me public Github link.
Note: This assumes the file exists.
Prize: a "you won the internet" certificate to be mailed to you
(504) 229-6828 with #Hashtag, rating (1 - 5), comment (optional).
#GIFGame 5 mind blown